• Outreach
Through this program the Church is able to generally extend the love of God to the community and beyond and bring people to the saving knowledge of Christ.
The activity of this group is directed towards Prison inmates. They visit Prisons, share the gospel with the inmates, pray for them and present gifts both in cash and kind to them.
In collaboration with the Chaplain of a particular Hospital, we provide pastoral care to both the sick on admission and the medical staff present.
On regular visit basis, we preach salvation, encourage and pray for the people.
• Evangelism
In conformity with the Word of God and to fulfill the “Great commission” in Matthew 28:19, the Church evangelizes to win souls for Christ.
This is done on community bases, mass/congregation level, individual effort and our live stream church services and YouTube Channel.
This forum creates the opportunity for non-Ghanaian citizens to meet for fellowship and provide both spiritual and physical support for one another when the need arise. They also discuss issues related to their Country and pray accordingly