Under the leadership of Rev Daniel Frempong, the Family Enrichment Ministry of ICGC HGT provides special ministry to help enrich all families in the church. Spouses are thought and encouraged to grow in Love, unity and spiritually in order to have a healthy family life as God intended according to Genesis 2:24. To help achieve these, support groups have been established under this ministry to provide special programs and counseling for marriages.
• Pre- Marital Counseling
This is designed to prepare all intended courting couples who have registered their relationship with the church. The Pastors through interactions with them confirms the readiness and the commitment or otherwise of their decision to marry.Issues on how long they have known each other as friends, employment status, introduction and consent of both families as well as the exact time they will want to marry.Having satisfied with the above, a twelve section pre-marital counseling is organized to guide them through their preparations.
• Weddings
This support group assists, facilitates and officiate marriage ceremonies (weddings) in the church. There are three wedding ceremony options:-Wedding in the main Auditorium-Wedding in the fully furnished, carpeted and air-conditioned small chapel, with about fifty people seating capacity.-Wedding with the fully air-conditioned office with the maximum attendance of ten people.
• Post Marital Counselling
This is a follow-up program to enrich the family life of couple in the church. It provides counseling to couples with challenges and guides all marriages into successful family life.
• The Couples Club
This is a community based support group to provide regular marital counseling and ministry to all couples under the post-marital program. It also offers the forum for fellowship, sharing of experiences, ideas and general support. Couples Club is an avenue for inter-personal relationships, recreation among couples and also used as leadership resource for the younger couples.
• Child naming and dedication
This is to assist parents of our church during naming and dedication of their babies and officiate these ceremonies as well.
• Singles Ministry
A complete ministry to the singles group in the church to have effective fellowship. Once a month, they meet to share common goals, address challenges and encourage one another in the Lord. There are six categories under this ministry:
• Single professional and employed
• Single divorced and separated
• Single parents
• Single students
• Single unemployed
• Single widowed and widower
Membership to this ministry is either by interest or need. With equipped coordinators their activities seek to achieve the following and more:
• Members share personal testimonies; challenges and request for prayer support form the group
• They learn more about God and seek counseling and solution to their challenges.
• Through discussions and seminars they discover opportunities and receive knowledge to handle specific needs.